Tuesday 4 December 2012

The most novel i like tonread is writer by Hlovate. All the book write by Hlovate is super duper awesome for me. It give us inspiration. It's not just a story but have something value to read. Mostly Hlovate novel is about life, and looking for life path way. The most i like to read is "Contengan Jalanan".
"Contengan Jalanan is about fend and K2  journey in finding life meaning in the glorious month,Ramadan.The quote in the novel is really make me realize what the purpose of our life and change is not a crime, change before late. "The eleventh"-the man that decided to change on the twelfth dies on eleventh.

Durian Crepe

Durian Crepes, Durian Crepes, Durian Crepes...this is the only title I currently read at most of the Facebook status,twitter and blogs. I was so tempted to eat this! it was my favorite fruit. here the recipe to make durian creepe.

Durian Creepe
·                     50gm plain flour ~ sifted
·                     1 tbsp potato starch ~ sifted
·                     1 egg ~ lightly beaten with fork
·                     2 tbsp fine granulated sugar
·                     3 tsp melted buter
·                     160ml water
·                     40ml evaporated milk
·                     1 tsp vanilla essence
·                     few dashes of coloring

For the filling; 

·                     Sufficient durian flesh ~ remove the seeds
·                     150ml fresh cream ~ whipped until a soft peak form

1. Add plain flour, potato starch and sugar in a bowl. Add evaporated milk and egg, stir with a hand whisk. Add water, vanilla essence, melted butter, stir thoroughly and add coloring. 
2. Sieve the batter into another bowl. 
3.Prepare a nonstick pan with low-medium heat. Using a soup ladle, take some batter and pour on the pan, make it round and thin. Easier if you use a smaller round pan. You can just swirl it by moving the pan a little.
4.  Cook for 1 minute maximum, or until the bottom of the crepe is cooked and turns slightly brown. Use a wooden spatula to check the sides. DO NOT FLIP OVER THE CREPE! 
5. Gently remove the crepe and place on a baking paper or separate plates. This is to avoid the crepes to stick on each other.
6.  Make sure the browned part of the crepe is now facing upwards. The soft one is underside. 
7. Repeat the same until done. 

To prepare the Durian Crepes...

1. Use a teaspoon for this. Add 1 tsp of whipped cream in the center of the prepared crepe. 
2. Followed by 1 tsp or more durian flesh on the cream. Now, add 1 tsp whipped cream again on the durian flesh. 
3.Wrap the crepe by folding in opposite sides of the crepe, fully cover the filling. Then fold in the other ends. Set aside.
4.Repeat the same for remaining crepes.
5. These crepes are then stored in refrigerator for better taste. Or you can have it just like that! Choice is yours.

This movie is super awesome .  Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 seems to be the best yet. myself laughing out loud. The storyline is, interesting,  and the action scenes are completely unexpected. Twilight breadking Dawn Part 2 is about Bella is new and improved as a vampire after childbirth killed her mortality. And although her union with Edward was fully accepted amongst the vampire community, their new baby Renesmee (a composite name of Renee, Bella's mother, and Esme, Edward's "mother") wasn't so lucky. After a false accusation, the new family is in grave trouble with the powerful Volturi who only happen to be the largest vampire regime. Even still, the Cullen's are prepared to use their special gifts against anyone who threatens their family. The Cullens gather other vampire clans in order to protect the child from a false allegation that puts the family in front of the Volturi.

Buddyz Day

Finally, we can hangout together after so many times we cancel our dates. This is a our first dates for semester 2 and second time since we know each other during semester 1. Because all of us have so many work to do and not enough time we just go to Casa Putra Saujana Utama hangout at there and eat steambot. we hangout at there until midnight. it was super duper night with them.

Monday 3 December 2012

Cousin solemnization

Congratulation to my cousin for his solemnization on 27/10/2012 at Machang kelantan. His wedding will be held on 12/12/2013 i hope i can attend his wedding because during that time it was final exam and i am still dont know my exam timetable.

KI for part 2 student

"KI" is stand for 'kemahiran insahniah' it was compulsory for all student in UiTM to undergo this course if not student cannot graduate. On 20 and 21 October is KI for part 2 student. A lot of activities we do such as talk, meeting skills and explorace. On the first day The first talk it so boring but the second talk is very interesting and so meaningful  After talk we learn how to manage meeting and what task we do for each position in the company during meeting or we want organize event. From this activities it give so many advantage to us. On second day the activity is explorace my group ERNEGETIC group got number 3 in the explorace.

Sunday 30 September 2012


 yeah! safely arived at home for my brother wedding. I'm was  the busy person on that day helping my family but I'am happy because still can going home for my brother wedding and I am skip a class in Friday.. hehehe..
Here the picture on my brother wedding.